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Vision, Mission, and Format


To see broken souls restored and made whole through the Word of Christ and Christ-like love and support.


We promise to provide a safe place for people to seek support and guidance at any phase throughout their recovery journey.  We invite people with all sorts of addictions whether it be drugs, alcohol, sex, food, unhealthy relationships, or any other dysfunctional behavior.  We believe the grace of God is for everyone, no matter the severity of their hang-ups.  We will base our support on Christ-like values and beliefs with weekly meetings of worship, prayer, and encouragement.




  • We will meet weekly on Thursdays from 7-8:30pm

  • We will open with prayer and worship

  • We will recite the 12 steps, 8 principles, group guidelines,  & addict's prayer

  • We will close with prayer at 8:30pm

  • Rotating format:

    • Week 1 - Speaker followed by Q&A​

    • Week 2 - Topic Discussion

    • Week 3 - Pop Principles

    • Week 4 - Compass Courses/Teachings

    • Week 5 - Ask-It Basket

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