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We come before your eternally loving, compassionate, and mighty seek healing within our hearts and true peace within our souls...a healing and peace that only you, Oh Heavenly Father and your son, Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, who through you created the heavens and the earth, can provide...we humbly pray to you and we proclaim the hearts and minds here today good ground, tilled and ready to receive your word, your lessons, and your blessings this day!...

We praise you and ask that you reach into each one of these souls who suffer from one of Satan's deadliest weapons, addiction...Reach into them and fill them with the Holy Spirit, so they may feel your righteousness and wisdom and know that no amount of drugs, alcohol, gambling, food, or se can complete them...Only your eternal love and light can fill that emptiness, only your grace and mercy can relieve their burden of self and give them true meaning and a purpose filled life...I command and rebuke any evil that is influencing their life, cast out any demon that seeks their demise, and any negative thought that makes them feel not qualified to bask in your boundless love and life giving light...

I plead the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ, and proclaim that through the spilling of his holy sacrificial blood that his Father, The Lord Almighty, tattoo His true destiny on every heart here tonight and find new life within themselves by adjusting the compass of their life and putting them on a gracious and eternal path that only you can show them...We ask this in the name of Jesus, whose mere mentioned name can banish evil and perform miracles, as we praise your eternally loving, graceful, and mighty throne...Amen!

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